Tentang Kami

Founded by Frenkie B. Tanumihardja and Established in 1993. With many experience in Landscape Section since 1984. With many skilled labor and experienced, professional and human resources support more than 100 people we have been completed many projects.


  • Managing 6,000 m2 of the orchids garden in Cibinong, Bogor 1984, until 1991.
  • Managing Garden Chilli, Ginger, Papaya Hawaii, Sweet Corn, Baby Corn and palm nurseries, fir and other plants covering an area of ​​20 ha in Tjihaur, Sukabumi 1987, until 1997.
  • Guest speakers at the seminar held by Trubus and DKI Jakarta Agency of Agricultural Establishments with the topic “Raising Palm and Ornamental Plants” in 1991 until 1993.


Raise awareness of domestic industry owners. Office buildings, Building Management, Factory that importance creating a park which healthy and environmentally friendly as balancing development.


Become Market Leader in Business Providers Outsourcing Landscape Services in Indonesia.

Implement Organic Agricultural Systems that environmentally friendly which as possible in the process of park maintenance and to support the GO GREEN

Provide maintenance system and professional workforce to each client

Why Us?

Our experience in the field of Landscape for over 20 years

Our commitment to the Earth with application and development of organic farming techniques

Professionalism is Our Commitment, Quality is Our Guarantee